- Types of patient transfer slings

The different types of slings for transferring patients


Last Update một tháng trước

What are the different types of slings for transferring patients?

There are several types of slings that are commonly used for transferring patients. These slings are designed to provide support and stability while moving a patient from one position or location to another. Let's take a look at some of the most common types of slings used in patient transfers.

1. Full Body Sling: This type of sling is designed to support the entire body of a patient during transfer. It typically has four straps, one for each limb, and can also have an additional strap for the chest area. Full body slings are often used for patients who have limited mobility or require full assistance during transfers.

2. U-Sling: A U-sling is named after its shape, which resembles a \"U\". It provides support

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